Saturday, September 10, 2016


  We're not generally excited about driving over 2000 miles in two weeks, but having scenery like this out the window makes it more palatable.  Actually the top picture is an example of the road construction that can make driving miserable, but not in Iceland.  No traffic back-up, no lane restrictions, no flagman directing traffic.  You just stop when the truck in front of you dumps a load of boulders and wait a few minutes as the truck drives away and the bucket loader moves a few rocks so you can get around.  It was part of a road improvement project that is going to make it easier to get to the end of infinity, but not much easier.
  The middle picture is of a glacier in the south that comes almost down to the Ring Road and the bottom picture is of Drangaljokull Glacier as seen across Isafjardjardjup.  We saw a whale breaching in the fjord when we pulled over for a long look at the view here.

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