Saturday, August 12, 2023

Women Almost Swimmin'

One of Ithaca's most beloved events, Women Swimmin' was supposed to happen the second Saturday of August.  This year the weather had other ideas.  It was obviously rough when we arrived around 5:30 am, and winds were expected to increase, but people were ever optimistic.  The boaters grew impatient while the final decision seemed to be taking forever to be made and many took to the water, staying in the shelter of the IYC marina.  I waited on shore because I knew Gail was part of the crew making the Go/No Go call and heard and felt her pessimism build over the last 12 hours.  

It was called off just before swimmers were to begin to be bused to the start across the lake from the IYC.  Instead, many were given the opportunity to take the bus to the IYC to try to consume some of the 500 breakfast sandwiches and bagels, and to listen to the Yardvarks play some of their classic rock covers.

Beth, Steve and I decided to stick close to the west shore out of the wind and kayak back to Stewart Park, about three miles.  It was quite calm at the south end of the lake, but we couldn't see what it looked like farther north and out in the middle.

Thanks to all of Gail's donors.  She is a member of the top fundraising team so I get to go with her to a fabulous dinner donated by a local catering company.

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