Saturday, September 14, 2019

Northeast Mountains and Lakes

  Much of what we do these days revolves around Gail's love of swimming, and why shouldn't it?  When she mentioned a series of swims in Vermont's Northeast Kingdom and her desire to participate in one, I was on board as her support kayaker. Of the eight swims, she chose a three-mile event in Caspian Lake.  It was a beautiful day with little wind and lots of sun.  The swimmers went to a rock in the lake and had to touch it before swimming back to the start, many climbed out and jumped in.  The kayakers just cruised along enjoying the day, some with a dog on the bow.

  The day before her swim, by a lucky coincidence, Gail was a support kayaker for a friend, Mary, during her five-mile swim of Lake Willoughby.  Willoughby is flanked on each side by Mt. Pisgah and Hor, with dramatic 1000' cliffs dropping to the lake.  I planned to hike each of them while the ladies were in and on the water.  I did in fact hike, but once I'd climbed a few hundred feet I was completely socked in by clouds and had no views of the lake or cliffs.  This ended up being OK as I decided to hike a different trail north back down to Willoughby and maybe time it so I'd see Gail and her friend going by.  Worked like a charm, and the trail was one of my favorites of the entire trip.

  Another nice lake swim took place in Crystal Lake, just the two of us and perfect conditions again.
  Gail bought an underwater camera, it captured some cool shots like this one in Crystal Lake.

  I got into the swimming act on many occasions, but more to cool off and not for any kind of exercise.  The top photo is from the last day of the trip when we went out on Lake George in the Adirondacks with our friends, Glenn and Mary Ann, on their boat and docked on Sara Island for the morning.  A daily feature of our stay in Peacham was a swim in the pond.  Only in New Hampshire did we not have access to good swimming, but there was a brook that we got in to cool off and rinse off when needed. 

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