Saturday, January 29, 2022

Around Town


We had one of those magical mornings this week when it was around zero and the mist was rising off the lake.  I got a good view of it but not a good pic from East Hill, but Jen stopped at Taughannock on her way to work to take this one.
Something going on with the metabolism of the amphibians on the building next door.  They are not bothered by the cold.

Just how much salt can we keep putting on the streets?  The City is trying to find out.  At least with the lack of snow, the white streets reflect the sunlight rather than absorb it.  Hey, we've got to do whatever it takes to reduce global warming.

Verizon finally got around to fixing this phone.  Now if they'd only bring back the ABC Cafe.
These guys were taking advantage of rare conditions in Six Mile Creek.  I didn't ask if they had permission, sometimes COE gets it in exchange for doing things with kids at GIAC or the YB.

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