Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Sunny Days of Summer

 In anticipation of our trip to the Adirondacks, and the need to stay sane in these days of pandemic and failed leadership, I've continued hiking a few hours most days.  Lots of trips in the local gorges, biking to trails a little farther off, and driving out to the countryside too.  One waterfall I'd visited earlier in the pandemic needed a set of steps and somebody got the job done.

The Finger Lakes Land Trust has a new preserve in Caroline that offers a sweet new route for the FLT.  Connie and Andy have been happy to join me there to hike, look for chanterelles, and scope out skiing trails.

The FLT isn't without its perils though.

There's a hike I've been doing for a few years before our mountain vacations to tune up the quads and calf muscles.  I start at Buttermilk State Park, follow the FLT to Lick Brook, under Rt. 13 to Treman and then turn around and go back.  It's about 20 miles with lots of up and down, but none of the creeks had much water in them this year.


A new place for me was the Land Trust's Stevenson Preserve in Enfield.  Nice old trees, a bit of the FLT and a great view all the way across the county to Caroline.

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