Monday, August 16, 2021

Summer Vacation

 Once we finally got to Maine (a twelve-hour, 20-minute drive), we had a fine time hanging out with some of the guys I have winter camped with over the years.  Gail camped this year with Glenn and Roy as well, and has gotten to know some of them from various gatherings.  The house belongs to Bill's in-laws and is on Grand Lake, it was a fine place for swimming, kayaking and just enjoying each others' company.

Just look at the joy on those faces! 

While Gail was doing a 3-mile swim a bald eagle flew over and landed in a tree to keep watch.  Later, two more flew over.  She avoided crashing on the rocks and becoming an eagle snack.

We did a short walk up to the fire tower on Peek-a-Boo Mountain for a view of the many lakes and even a hazy look at Katahdin from about 80-miles away.  So close, but it just wasn't to be on this trip and we had to leave a day earlier than intended and missed a chance to climb it.  Guess we'll be going back to Maine again someday.

Always the rule-breaker.

A few of us went to the driving range to hit a bucket of balls, some of the guys even went to an actual course the next day and played nine holes.

I skipped the golfing outing and went paddling again.  More bald eagles and another encounter with a river otter family that I saw a couple times.  Canada was across the lake, I went under the bridge that crosses the outlet and had a short chat with a very bored customs agent.  I may have even gone to the Canadian side in a hidden cove to break the law by touching land, but I'm not sure.

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