Monday, April 27, 2020

Social Distancing, the Real Deal

Masks are now part of our everyday life.  For Frank it hasn't changed a bit in his shop, Tom now looks like every description of a bank robber, "He was wearing a mask and carrying a gun."  Glenn swears he wasn't in England when he took a selfie.  Amy said she needed hers to stay warm on a snowy ride in Buffalo, Sue got a protective shield after a month of making home visits for her job, and I still haven't quite gotten mine right.  In time...
What could lead Brian from NJ's Covid-19 hot spot to Tops in Westfield?  The opportunity to help his mom return home from a stint in rehab after surgery in February.  Judy suffered a fall soon after getting home and went to a facility in Dunkirk where visitors aren't allowed so Brian returned to NJ. 
Sadly, Judy passed away today.  She will be remembered fondly as such a welcoming and generous person, and anyone who was familiar with Kingan Pharmacy knows that Judy and Steve were as responsible for its success as Don and Bill were.  They are all missed, perhaps they have a pitcher of Manhattans to finish off as I type.

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