Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Best Retirement Party Ever

  My dear friend, colleague, neighbor, swimming and skiing pal, Kari, retired at the end of the school year and we had a little party for her.  It was going to be coworkers from her 30 years at different schools in the district all gathering to eat too much and give her a plant or something.  But when I heard about a gofundme campaign by some of our Karen refugee students to raise money for a mural depicting their journey from Burma to the US (please donate by clicking on the link.  They have almost enough for the mural and want to raise more for education programs) I encouraged people to donate to that in Kari's honor.  She's also an artist and does bright, vibrant oil paintings.  The kids from Burma came and livened things up a bit and accepted the giant check for the mural.  I don't know what they did with it but Eh Gay Mu wouldn't put it down and walked towards the Commons with it.

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