Tuesday, July 06, 2021

Modified GrassRoots


After a year's hiatus, GrassRoots is back, in a fashion.  Since COVID prevented the work and planning throughout the year that's necessary to put the festival on, it was canceled a few months ago.  As things have improved and opened up, they decided to put on a series of weekend concerts and have a mini-festival the normal weekend.  I'm not sure how much, if any, of the activities I'll make it to: family is coming to stay in Ithaca for much of it and Gail and I are leaving town after they are here.  

That doesn't mean I didn't go up and help assemble the stage like I've done for almost 20 years. It's a love-hate relationship: I love being part of something that means so much to so many (including me), but it's usually 90 degrees and the stage has been used and abused over the years so there's a fair amount of improvisation and doing, undoing, and doing again necessary.  At least it wasn't 90 this year.

The twice-retired leader of our efforts, Alan, returned (with all his tools and knowledge) and got Dave involved like so many years and they built what I think is going to be a better shelter than a tent for the sound crew out front.

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