Wednesday, October 21, 2020


 Work is somewhat of a continuation of last spring.  Students didn't go back until October, but staff were permitted a few weeks before that.  When Gail tired of the screaming, I decided it was best to get into the routine of going somewhere for employment again and burrowed in at the high school.  There's construction in many areas, I stayed away, and much of the furniture has gone into storage prompting me to snag some of my favorite chairs, and finding some new ones. Our fridge hasn't been seen.  I've snagged our favorite classroom back as well, but the view doesn't make up for the absence of students.  Students that are attending in person only come two days a week, it's kind of like exam week day after day.

We still have on-line meetings, there's still some screaming, but we're making our way to a better place.

Work at home has its own rewards, in this recent effort it comes as more efficient use of a little space and better storage for our stuff.  I decided kayaking was something I wanted to do more of, and with Gail's help found a great deal on high-quality gear.  With two kayaks we needed something other than the sawhorses to store them, which also involved creating a better space to store firewood now that we are having fires on the patio once in awhile.  Haven't moved the pile of rocks, yet.

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