It turns out it's not quite the same picture, but I stole it from here for comparison, and think the puzzle maker should have too.
As long as I'm not skiing, I might as well devote time to mapping the trails. I put this together for the local ski club with the caveat some lines are far off.
Gail, maybe legally drinking a cocktail.
This group of from Westfield were certainly old enough, and clearly had a few cocktails at a gathering in our house. Wonder if I was home? We'd sometimes get banished to the playroom for such events.
It's possible I was writing this letter that Sue shared with me. I wrote it while she was in Chile in the 70's. She's there again now (January '23) visiting her host family. My writing has improved, my humor hasn't changed.
I didn't get notified that a New Year's Eve Eve party was called off. It was obvious when I arrived, but I rang the bell anyway and got to hang out with the Hess/Kraskows for a nice quiet evening.
The last day of 2022 included a trip to East Shore Park to watch the well-dressed ladies take a dip in the lake.
Several of them went back the next day to start the year the same way except for the get-ups.
I decided to meander to return home on the 31st and took a route that included what I thought would be the last-new place for me of the year. It's a hillside I've been looking at for almost 20 years on my commute and walks around town.
Might not look like much, but I enjoyed it immensely. Later that day, I went to the real last-new place of the year and explored a section of the city's natural area along Six Mile Creek that I'd never been to. There are still more right out the door...