Monday, September 30, 2024

Not Abandoned


  A few years ago, there was a fire in this house and the elderly occupant was killed.  I don't know what kind of legal battle is going on to settle the estate, but no one is caring for any part of the property other than the driveway where neighbors park.  A local character who goes by Lopperman has cut the bushes back a few times, maybe even shoveled the rare snow off the walk.

  Since it's on his winter commute, he spent a Saturday morning recovering the sidewalk and cutting back the prickers and privet.

  Hopefully, it's in good enough shape that it will still be a full sidewalk through next summer, and maybe someone will get control of the property and start some regular maintenance.

  Ironically, while he was working, a neighbor got bent out of shape about a vehicle blocking a tiny portion of their driveway.  He still pulled out and back in five minutes later, announcing his departure and arrival with a 30-second blast of his horn.  He must have also called IPD because they showed up in minutes and ticketed the parked vehicle.  If only they could ticket people for blocked sidewalks.

  The Lopperman did his first community service many years ago when he cut back this massive arborvitae that had blocked the walk for so long there is still a patch next to the sidewalk where grass doesn't grow from people walking over it.  Last week, the property owners went all out and cut it down completely.  For the record: Lopperman is not anti-vegetation and isn't pleased by this.  He just wants it maintained.

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