Monday, September 30, 2024

Down at the Crick


Early in the summer, I saw from a distance a guy building this structure.  I never went to check it out to see what all he was up to.


  When I went down last week for a little gorge clean up, I found out he built that and much more.  The large rocks that get deposited on the floodplain were all collected into piles or used for walkways.  The invasive vegetation was all cut back, and the area turned into a sort of a park.  It's always been a hangout/living area for unhoused people, so I suspect someone spending their summer there might have done it but I don't know.  One thing I do know is that I collected the least amount of garbage ever, so that's good.


  They (he? she?) have also built and prepared to continue building stone walkways along the creek.  We'll see how long it takes the frequent high-water events to distribute the stones back into the stream.

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