Sunday, September 29, 2024

Concert Venues



  Richie and Rosie played a gig at the pavilion in front of Greenstar.  It was built during GrassRoots set-up a few years ago.  This year we gussied up a tractor that is parked next to the pavilion and is popular for kids to play on while parents shop.  Many of us who were involved gathered after the concert.

  I also went to a house concert out in Caroline where the resident played with his band mates from Brooklyn.  The weather allowed them to play outside of a very cool house.

  Let's hear it for Porchfest!  It happened on a perfect Sunday afternoon this year and hundreds of musicians played from noon until 6 pm.  Some former and possibly future students sang at their church.

  Not just another Banjoe, that's one of Ithaca's most in-demand multi-instrumentalists, Joe Hayward.

    Susanna Lee and the Slizards are definitely a new-favorite band.  I hope to catch them around often.

  Gail gave me a heads-up about other favorite artists who have teamed up, Lydia Garrison and Nate Silas Richardson.  Thankfully, I was just a couple blocks away and made it for almost their whole set.  They both have great styles, Lydia on banjo and fiddle, Nate on guitar.  Here's a short clip of a fine tune Lydia wrote.

  Hang out with someone from Ithaca long enough, especially during Porchfest, and you'll hear about how it was conceived in this very neighborhood before it went viral around the world.  A bit of the origin story from one of the people who was there.

  The Fall Creek Brass Band has developed a tradition of closing out the day at Kurt's Porch in Thompson Park.

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