Monday, June 03, 2024

Round Town


  The spring Friends of the Library Booksale was a smash this year.  The selection was more extensive than usual, and it's always incredible.  Funny coincidence: two weekends in a row, I arrived just as a local character was at the front of the line.  The people waiting with him looked relieved for their impending separation.



  Giant buildings in Collegetown are nearing completion.  I passed by one morning as various appliances were being taken in.  It blows my mind how many must come and go in this small city every year.


  Kari is getting around with Bird (dog).  I'm not sure if he has a harness or is content to chill in the basket.

  Gail and I left the county to catch a wonderful Sarah Jarosz show in Homer.  See her if you can.

                                     Fallen petals almost as beautiful as snow coating the ground.

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