Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Remember Work Travel?

Gail revived an old activity: traveling for work.  She went to a meeting in Amsterdam (the Netherlands, not NY) and met with all her coworkers; they all work remotely from a few different countries.  She was blown away by the museum of street art.  I think it just looks like a bunch of post-its on sheets of contact paper, but she said she was jet lagged and thinks maybe that influenced her appreciation of the exhibits. 

 The bike garage under the river holds tens of thousands of bikes.  I'm impressed.

 Coincidentally, while she was away, someone loaned me a book about biking in Amsterdam that included this passage from a 1933 travel guide to the city.  She didn't write me a postcard, but did bring a few home.

She tagged on a couple days to take the train to Oxford (England, not Mississippi) to visit friends who used to live in Ithaca.

She saw cool, old trees.

And a dry-laid stone wall that was several miles long (also old).

Lorraine took an action photo of Gail (and Darragh's back) and her new book bag from a famous bookstore carrying some interesting books she bought us at the famous bookstore.

An old building at Oxford.

Between walking the dog, working and thawing out food from the freezer, I didn't have much time to shave.  I decided to see what my beard would look like after a 25-year absence.  I was hoping the wall would make it look redder.

It doesn't look all that different than when I was in my 20's.  I think it's the shirt that makes it look so red in this photo.

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