Saturday, August 12, 2023

Labrador Hollow

 A buddy suggested a quick trip to the Adirondacks to try to get his son interested in hiking the mountains, and though I don't recommend a day trip to the North Country, I was willing to go along.  Time constraints had us looking for a Plan B and we came up with Labrador Hollow south of Syracuse.  Neither of us had been, and were not disappointed we went.  Beautiful place.


This is the googleearth view.  Maybe a little distorted, but you get the idea.

Tinker Falls has a trail that passes behind it, and nice stonework leading up to it.

There is a clearing at the top where hang gliders launch.  We didn't see any, but tested out some paper airplanes.

We'll get to the Adirondacks another day and climb Rocky Ridge and Bald Mountain to the fire tower.  I'll post pictures.

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