Thursday, February 23, 2023

It Was So Cold

Winter has been far from typical this year, but one spell gave us a taste of notable cold.  We had five days with a low in single digits, and two days it reached -12 F.  Neither set a record, but one day the high didn't reach the 30-year normal low temp, so that was cool.  It came with just enough snow to get some skiing in, but a long hike in the gorge was the highlight.

Based on the forecast, I tried to stir up some excitement for a road trip to Mt. Washington, but got no takers.

 I love getting to see the mist blow back up over the dam like this.  Lots of factors have to line up.

Gail and her cold-water companions waited a couple days before things warmed up to get into the creek.

Connie is breaking our hearts by moving to NYC.  Now we'll have to meet up with her at Coney Island or something.

The Great Lakes are hurting for ice cover.  This could lead to hurting for water as this can lead to significantly more evaporation than normal.  Buffalo is grateful there hasn't been another blizzard, but there is still time.

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